Monday, May 5, 2008

what are journey so far!!

On April 27th our tour ended with Ilchi Seuseungnim, we had our last demo, our last lecture and it was the biggest day ever. There we two part to this day. Earlier that day we had a '10,000 Jeja' gathering. Over 10,000 earthhumans gather to delcare their passion to health the world and complete their soul. It was amazing to see so many people striving to save and heal the world, with ONE mind and ONE heart.
Our vision is to reach 100,000,000 earthhumans by year 2010, and that would shift the consciences of humanity to live for their soul. To have been given a chance to witness so many people cheering for one thing gave lots of hope for our future.

Thank you Ichli Seuseungnim.